Commentary: Is it not indeed true that the profound call to follow Jesus is a command to be obeyed based on the call of Jesus rather than an invitation to be considered, weighed and possibly accepted? As Bonhoeffer says: Peter, James, John, and Matthew all got the same command and they instantly obeyed. Why? Because they recognized they were in the presence of one who had the authority to demand their life. They immediately left everything and followed, having no idea where Jesus was going to lead them. No debate, no hesitation. And how gracious that our Lord may repeat the command in our own journey--perhaps on the tail of various trials and failures in life. It is a call of love and it is a call that demands that we also drop "our life" and jump with both feet into His.

I cannot help but be moved by the second call to follow given to Peter in John 21--following Peter's rejection and denial of Jesus. There is a beach party and Jesus and Peter go for a restoration walk on the beach. (Note that Jesus often did His most serious work one on one, away from others.) Well, John is following them. Is he trying to eaves-drop or is He just hoping to be close to His Lord also? Whatever the case, Peter has been given some insight into his future prior to his second "Follow Me!" And so Peter, knowing John is following, asks Jesus, "What about John?" And Peter gets the answer we all get when we are considering what others are going to do. Jesus says, "Don't consider or concern yourself with ___________. I am commanding YOU to follow me. And you must follow, no matter what others do."
Has Jesus told you to follow Him? What are you going to do? Will you obey in the face of not knowing where He might take you or what others might be doing?
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